(By ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu) Small scale industries are those industries that manufacturing, providing services and production are on small scale or micro scale. They include industries that produces napkin, tissues, pen, chocolate, toothpicks and water bottle, small toys etc(www.toppr.com) It also includes; ice cream, bags, shoes,wigs. TODAY (30th August) is "Small lndustry Day" As the saying goes that "Rome was not built in a day" Also most of the big companies we see today did not start up as a big company. Some started as small scale business. others as medium scale business. But today those companies have grown to big empires. "Do not despise the days of humble beginning" Whatever you plant or you want to grow, you must nurture. "The young shall grow" Whatever good business idea you have in mind, start small and grow big. Success come to those who believe and are willing to pay the price. It is easier to direct a moving vehicle than a static o...