SOMEBODY SHOULD HOLD ME🤼 Before they will say am insulting my elders. There's a saying in my place that "if an elder misbehaves you can wear a basket on your face and tell him what he has done"( so l would like to apply that) I want to advice Nigerians that were in the different polling unit and have evidence of the result from their unit or from their local government to hold it tight. Is either the people collating the results don't know simple calculation or the calculator their are using is not working.( As nothing is working in Nigeria presently) So on that note, we will have to help them with basic mathematical calculation which is addition. we all have to bring out our calculators and count the votes ourselves. When we're done we can give them to announce for us, since is their responsibility. "Enough is enough" you can't just be playing with the brains of millions of people in this country. Let the calculation begin...📟 #Prisca# #sweetmoth...