
Showing posts from October, 2022


ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW  Halloween is usually celebrated on the 31 of October i.e the eve of the feast of All saint. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of samhain; when people will bonfire wear costumes to ward off ghost. In the eighteenth century pope Gregory lll designated November 1 as a time to honour all the saint. Soon All saints day incoperated some of the samhain traditions. The evening before is known as All hallows eve and later Halloween. Over time Halloween evolved into a day of activities, like treating and tricking, carving jack-o-lantern festive gathering, donning costumes and eating treats. Well Halloween is mostly celebrated in Uk, US and Canada but as Nigerians, we are used to borrowing so we borrowed this one too.  Is another Halloween today! Do you want a treat or a trick?? #sweetmotherhood# 


 MAKE A WISH! It is the last Sunday in October A day to praise A day to thank Him for all His goodness and mercy The blessings of the Lord are too numerous and as we begin the count down to a new month, we pray that this few hours will bring us testimony. It's not over until you have given your own testimony. #sweetmotherhood#


 WORLD STROKE DAYπŸ€₯ Minutes can save lives. Minutes have saved lives.  Minutes will save lives. This minutes you are wasting in the house can save lives. This minutes it took you to take the stroke patient to church instead of the hospital can save lives. This minutes you are taking to think if is necessary to take the stroke patient to the hospital can save lives. Do the needful this minute and save lives. (Prisca Ojiobianu ✍️) World Stroke Day 2022! (Minutes can save lives) #sweetmotherhood#


WHY SHOULD I BE WORRIED🀷 Am young and healthy. Am perfect and fine. Why should l be worried about stroke.πŸ€” 29th October is "World Stroke Day" the theme for this year is "minutes can save lives"  WHY YOU NEED TO BE WORRIED 😳 - Stroke has turned some breadwinners to dependent individuals. - Stroke has caused many to remain in bed when they have lots of places to visit. - Stroke has caused some relationship to abruptly come to an end. - Stroke has made many spend all their life savings on medical bills. - Stroke has taken many lives that we have lost count. Each year about 795,000 persons in the united states have stroke and of these incidents about 137,000 of them die.(>conditioninfo) If these number of persons die in the united states yearly with all their technological advancement in medicine what can we say about Nigeria?? RIGHT STEPS TO TAKE - Regular check up. - Regular Blood pressure check. - lf you have a family member that have died of s


 IS lT FOR REAL? The mistake of today can cause tears tomorrow. The laziness of today will may hunger tomorrow. The wickedness of today may bring punishment tomorrow. Our words and actions of today is partly what will determine our tomorrow. What are you saying now! What are you doing now! Think about itπŸ€” #sweetmotherhood# 


 A TALE OF NIGERIANS AND THEIR TAILOR We have come to that time of the year  in the life of most Nigeria tailor when they break the hearts of those that were not "in love with them" Christmas is fast approaching and there are different events that have been sited for this Christmas for which people will need new dresses for these various occasion. While we anticipate for the best we should also "have it at  the back of our mind" that " you will not always get what you ask for or worst still you will not get any at all" WHY SOME TAILOR DISAPPOINT THEIR CLIENT - Lack of commitment - Laziness - Accepting more than you can deliver. - Accepting to sew styles you cannot make. - Few staff - Pressure from client SOLUTION - Accept only the number of clothes you can make. -Inform the client if you can't make the style he/she wants and politely ask they to chose another style. - lf you have a lot of client employ more staff. - Sometimes you have to make sacrifice


THE LATEST BREAKFAST SERVED! Actor Gideon okeke announced recently that "he was served breakfast" by the wife. Well for those who do not understand this breakfast thing. Let me explain WHAT DOES SERVING OF BREAKFAST MEAN IN THE RELATIONSHIP WORLD?? You have been served breakfast if; - your wife or husband leaves you or divorce you. - your boyfriend or girlfriend break your heart. - your boyfriend or girlfriend suddenly end the relationship. Well for Actor Gideon okeke he got his from his wife, whatever was or is the cause is still unknown. But let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope is just seperation why we wait to get the full gist. He has joined the other celebrities that have received their own plate of breakfast. This is not the end of the road. But this breakfast servers are no respecter of any man. Don't worry dear las las you go dey okay. #sweetmotherhood#


GUESS WHO THE WINNER ISπŸ€” Miss Abia , Ada Eme has been crowned the most beautiful girl Nigeria 2022. The event took place at Eko Hotels and suites. The other winners from the event. 2nd postion- miss Edo- Montana onose Felix(miss universe) 3rd position -miss Anambra - Genevieve Ukatu( miss supranational) 4th position - miss Abuja- lfeoma uzogheli( miss Ecowas) 5th position - miss Lagos - Lydia Balogun(miss Tourism) Congratulation to all the winners. #sweetmotherhood#


GONE BUT NOT  FORGOTTEN😱 Yesterday was the 2nd year remembrance of the EndSars protest that turned bloody. The lives of our innocent youth snatched in cold blood. The Nation indeed is bleeding!  Killing everywhere! Bad news everyday! What was their crime? they wanted a better Nigeria, they spoke against the ill treatment by SARS and they were murdered. Is it now a crime to demand for your right? Is it now a crime to demand for good governance? Only in Nigeria! The aftermath may seem to have dwindled! The dead maybe forgotten! But one thing is for sure, KARMA IS REAL!! "He who kill by the sword will surely die by the sword" The persons killed may look inconsequential,  But our God is a God of justice. He admonished us to " LEAVE VENGEANCE FOR HIM" and is on that note l will have to drop my pen and brace up for what lies ahead.  For the End Sars victims, you all may have gone to the world beyond, but your blood will keep speaking until this country is REDEEMED! This


WHAT CAN WE SAY. Inasmuch as we are going to miss him we should also try to learn from his mistake. Anyone driving why drunk is already on a suicide mission. There are alternative means of transportation one can use if you must drink; Uber, Bolt and other Registered taxi companies. People should also try to help an accident victim or in cases of emergency it will help save a lot of persons life than videoing them with our phones or gathering around to discuss as if is family reunion. FEW TIPS  -If you drink don't drive. - Maintain a reasonable speed limit. -Minimize, if possible avoid driving at night. Let's be guided do not die from avoidable death. Keep resting Rico Swavey!


 If you don't like the road you are walking, pave another! Most times we complain about our situation. We complain about the country, The work we do, Our family. We virtually complain about everything. I feel is time we stop complaining. Is about time we stop blaming people for our condition. Change the narrative. Pave that way you want to walk through. It will not come on "a platter of gold". You need to go for it, You need to work for it, You need to face squarely the challenges that comes with it. PAVE that road you want to walk in and your life will never remain the same. Get to work! #sweetmotherhood# 


IF NOT, WHY NOT With the current situation of our education system in Nigeria especially in the government owned universities, where you study a four years course for seven years or more then wait for 1-3years to go for youth service due to strike with other delays. Any company or organization in Nigeria that will post employment advert attaching the following clause should be SUED for "Unrealistic employment Advert"(Not more than 25years with at least 5 years of working  experience.) HOW? WHERE 🀷 Is about time we start being realistic in this country. If you must post this kind of advert, you will have to  send it to those Nigerians studying in diaspora because that statement above is not obtainable in Nigeria. When at 25 some persons are still trying to gain admission into the universities. You people should better not try me!πŸ˜• Am waiting to sue all of them!😑  #sweetmotherhood#


 GLOBAL HAND WASHING DAY. (15th October) WHY YOU NEED TO WASH YOUR HANDS ALWAYS  ( For health workers and other individuals) Most times we only care to wash our hands before we eat and after eating but that is not enough. There are different reasons why we should wash our hands and also various occasion where we need to wash our hands. WHY DO WE NEED TO WASH OUR HANDSπŸ€” - To keep them clean. - To avoid contacting infections from the hands. - To avoid transmitting infections through the hands. WHEN DO WE NEED TO WASH OUR HANDS πŸ‘ - Before we eat - After eating - After using the toilet. - After dusting the house. - After cleaning the house. - When you come back from work, business,school or any event. - When you touch  dusty surfaces - when you observe your hands are dirty. - Before cooking. - After cooking. - Wash your hands regularly when there's an outbreak of infectious disease. FOR THOSE THAT WORK IN HOSPITALS - Wash a hands before any procedure. - Wash your hands after every pr


 FREEDOM AT LAST. BUT WHY NOWπŸ€” We have waited for this, we have longed for this for a very long time,  why now? Inasmuch as people are happy over the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kalu l still feel the government have ulterior motives for releasing him now. Just few months to election, what do they want? I can't pen down my insinuations because they are my thoughts,but what I believe is this; "everything will work out for good." A breath of fresh air at last for him. Am not very familiar with some of this legal terms . Which one is discharged but not acquitted again 🀷🏾‍♀️ My second question is since he  has not been acquitted will the 'sit at home on Mondays continue 🀷🏾‍♀️ Am waiting for experts in that field to answer. #sweetmotherhood#


 TOO YOUNG TO GOπŸ˜₯ RICO SWAVEY why na?? This is definitely not the kind of breaking news l would like to post but what can we do. "The one that giveth has taketh" and we can't question Him. Is so hard to say goodbye. Rest on till we meet to part no more. May his gentle soul continue to rest in peace. AmenπŸ™ #sweetmotherhood#


 BREAKFAST AT DAWNπŸŒ– Guess who they just served breakfast 🍳πŸ₯ Odogwu Burna.  Thank God oo na Dj Khaled serve him, if na one sister 'e for choke' But this breakfast thing na only broke guys dem dey serve. Any girl wey go serve oga Burna breakfast dey 'ment' I don't know if is just me but Dj Khaled is looking very handsome here.πŸ˜‰ Please l don't mind a plate of this sumptuous meal. Am waiting πŸ₯΄ #sweet motherhood#


 YOU ARE A STAR🌟 OUR TIME IS NOWπŸ“Ÿ OUR RIGHTπŸ–️ OUR FUTURE.... International Day of the Girlchild (11th October) "The future is female" The future is ours The future is for us. We are Big We are bold  We are beautiful  The step towards our greatness begins with our mindset. The journey to our destination is powered by our determination. The best of our dreams is that which we dream while awake. "The future is female" Our eyes are fixed on the goal. Our nose can perceive the success. And our mouth shall speak of our achievements. There's a place for us even in the dark. We know we are beautiful just the way we are. We don't have to change a thing the world 🌍 could change their heart . "We got no scars we are beautiful". It's indeed our Time! It's really our right! And we are taking hold of the future! We will no longer cover our pain. We will speak out We will voice out for all to hear. We are not changing anything, the world will have to


 THE GIRL CHILD IN NIGERIAπŸ™πŸΎ‍♀️ ( Written✍️ by Prisca Ojiobianu) "Wow! "She just gave birth". That is beautiful! What is the sex of the baby?  She gave birth to a bouncing baby girl!! AGAIN??  when she go 'born man' and what is bouncing about a baby girl", her belly no dey produce bouncing baby boy?.. and so on and and so forth.... The girl child in Nigeria usually plays second fiddle to their male counterparts. She can not do this; she's a woman; these opportunities  are for males alone. Am not a Feminist though, but some events just "beats my imagination" even in this 21st century some people still do not regard or respect the women because they feel the men are the superior being, little wonder they're not involved in most of the family deliberations even when it concerns them.  The men are the head of the family, no one is disputing that, the women on the other hand are expected to submit to their husbands, It only becomes a problem w


 WHAT GOD CANNOT DO DOES NOT EXISTπŸ™ Indeed what He cannot do does not exist. If Arsenal can be topping the league and clubs like Manchester united others are nowhere to be found in the top list, this shows that God is at work. This clearly shows that God can elevate anyone and everyone. Just keep trying! Keep pushing! Keep working! Keep praying! Never relent! You are just a few  steps to the top. Never give up! But l must commend all the Arsenal fans for their faithfulness to their club. It will only get betterπŸ˜… #sweetmotherhood#


 EMBER MONTH WAHALA WHAT TO DO πŸ€” Kidnapping, "one chance" arm robbery attack etc are usually part of the things we experience during ember month. As we gradually move towards the end of the year, there's need for us to be extra careful. Why some persons are are toiling to "make ends meet" some persons are strategizing on how to rob people of their hard earned money. In most cases there's really nothing we can, but in some cases we can do something WHAT CAN WE DO πŸ€” πŸ€”Avoid late night movement, especially around notorious areas (although no place is completely safe) πŸ€”Avoid random taxi especially at night, use bolt or Uber instead. πŸ€”lf you can drop your expensive gadgets like phone, laptops etc at home that will be good. πŸ€”Mind the kind of calls you make when you are using public vehicle, if is about money and business you can always make those calls when you alight. πŸ€”Try to get the correct and exact address of the place you are going, if you are not very


 THIS IS WICKEDNESS😩 An unidentified women in Anambra state was said to have beaten her maid to death. According to the story, she beat her up until she started convulsing by the time she took her to the hospital she was already dead and she buried her a shallow grave. Whatever her crime was beating her to the extent that she started convulsing  was uncalled for. Let's also learn to control anger even in the midst of provocation. The deed have been done! The dead cannot speak for themselves! It is only left for others to learn from this! Am pained! #sweetmotherhood# 


 WORLD TEACHER'S DAYπŸ“ ( 5th October) Most times we celebrate our friends, parents, siblings and colleagues but we hardly remember to celebrate our teachers. Is World Teacher's Day let's celebrate our teachers for all they did and are still doing for us. Give a "SHOUT OUT" to at least 5 of your teachers today. Whether Primary Secondary University Sunday school teacherπŸ₯΄ And any other institution. Happy Teacher's Day to all our wonderful teachers. Let the " SHOUT OUT"begin! #sweetmotherhood#


 WORLD TEACHER'S DAYπŸ“ World Teacher's Day is celebrated every 5th of October. This is to commend the teachers all over the world for their impact on our lives. We are all the product of what we were taught by the teachers. At each level of our academic life is a teacher who is there to put us through. No matter what we feel we know now there was a teacher who made it possible. Some may say, l read most things myself and l was not taught. But if your nursery and primary school teacher did not teach you how to read and write you may not be able to effectively read on your own. Happy Teachers Day to all our wonderful teachers out there, you will live to reap the fruit of your labour. Most times we celebrate our parents our pastors and friends but hardly celebrate our teachers. Let's change the narrative from today and start celebrating our teachers. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY ! #sweetmotherhood#


 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LEGEND! I don't know what they did or what they are still doing. I feel they need to lecture all this young celebrities on how to live together even with money and fame. Happy 53rd marriage anniversary 🎊 to you sir and your wife. Many more years to go. If they can, l believe is not impossible. No matter how you want to define it, Marriage is still more beautiful than Divorce. #sweetmotherhood#


 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON- VIOLENCE( 2nd October) The international day of non- violence is celebrated on 2nd of October to mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi who played an important role in india's independence.  The international day of non- violence was adopted to spread the message of non-violence and education and public awareness. Violence can never be a means of conflict resolution, dialogue can resolve many conflicts without a fight. Peace and violence does not co-habit, one must give way for the other. 'Roses are red' ' Violet is blue' Chose your colour wisely. Always give peace a chance But if you can't help yourself when it comes to violence, "vawulencitamol" can help you.πŸ˜€ (By ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu) #sweetmotherhood#


 NIGERIA AT 62. THE JOURNEY SO FAR πŸ€”(By ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu) The journey indeed "is not for swift or battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned but time and chance happen to them all.( Ecc 9:11) "This is our story" "This is our song" But our mothers never told us. As we continue to move in different direction with no success story to show for it.  As we regress to a stage in this country where we don't know where we are headed. Is about time to tell ourselves the truth if we want our country to change, THE CHANGE MUST begin with you. NIGERIA at 62 Asuu on strike! Dollar to naira high! Unemployment rate high! Prices of food high! And the only thing we have on the low side is  Low income! Which way Nigeria🀷 Where do we go from here. The new Nigeria we all seek is in our hands If we fail to get it right come next year, we will have ourselves to blame. #sweetmotherhood#


 HAPPY NEW MONTH πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ Welcome to the month of October. The month of victory, enjoyment and happiness. Two more months to go, how far? There is still time. It's not over until it is over. Enjoy the rest of the month! #sweetmotherhood#