I WISH I COULD DO MORE.... Sparkles in the air Stars in the sky The breeze just roaming The ice in the igloo The waters in the sea Birds in the field Monkeys on the tree And I am here Thinking of all He has done The quiet but great performer The one and only God The doer of good things The great 'ODOGWU' Doing the Doings How can I comprehend How can they understand What have you not done For me...... Endless list Countless blessings Always doing Good My God and my king My voice may not be too loud However, l will join the host Angels to adore you With 24 elders to worship you And with every living thing to praise you. You are all that matters You are all that l need You are all gracious All glorious Thank you Lord For coming through for me Thank you for all that you do for. I Love 💕 Lord My little words of Thanksgiving to my maker He deserves all the praise.🙌 2024 ( JUANITA; God is gracious) ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood