Today is pentecost Sunday, a day we celebrate the descent of the holy spirit on the disciples, which was evidence by a tongue of fire and speaking in different languages.
Well that's by the way.
My main reason for writing this post is because a lot of us have misinterpreted the gift of the holy spirit.
For many they feel it's only those that can speak in tongues that are filled with the holy spirit or are born again Christian.
Little wonder some men of God who do not have the gift of tongues will be blabbing on the name of speaking in tongues, so their members will believe they are truly called by God.
According to the word of God in 1 Cor 12 there are different gifts but all given by the same spirit.
Some He gave the gift of tongues
Some interpretation of tongues
Some prophecy
Others healing
Others to perform miracles
Others the spirit of wisdom.
The holy spirit gives all the gift to whom He decides to give.
So why are then focusing only on speaking in tongues as if those that have the other gifts are not as spiritual as them.
We need to rethink and begin to understand that main substance in all of this.
The gifts of the holy spirit was meant to edify the church and make us better christians, but if you can only speak in tongues and lack other virtues.
You may not be too far from unbelievers.
It's good to speak in tongues but remember other christians still has some spiritual gifts which you do not possess.
Happy pentecost Sunday to all of us🔥
✍️by Prisca Ojiobianu
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