There's no one that is allergic to love and care, except the person is a witch.
'You cannot give what you don't have'
'And you may not receive what you don't earn'
Most times when I listen to or see why people quarrel in families l begin to wonder🤔
Life is very simple
And living a simple life helps us enjoy life no matter the situation.
'Life is give and take', 'what you give is what you get'
If you as a man love and respect your wife, you have naturally earned your respect and love from her.
In that situation you don't need to force your wife to respect you or to prepare your meals, she will do it with all joy because she is doing it from the place of love, unless she is witch😡
We just celebrated the mother's day, l feel we can just try this formular and see how it goes for the rest of the year.
This life is not too difficult, it's just that we have a lot of difficult persons around.
But we can do better....
✍️By Prisca Ojiobianu
Correct 🌟