

There are lots of games and experiences that we had why growing up that our children don't know. There places we visited and had fun that no longer exist. Things like folktales that we enjoyed those days, we don't even hear now. We have so westernized ourselves that we can't find our identity. Our children need to be taught how it was then, so they can appreciate what they have now. So what did you enjoy while growing up that we don't have or see now? 🤷‍♀️ ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


COME AND ANSWER FOR YOURSELF  You just had a quarrel with your wife and you told her you will eat her food again. And the next thing you saw on the dinning table is this soup. As a sharp guy what will you do..😉 #sweetmotherhood


DON'T WORK IN THIS 21ST There are some advice that we have been used to while growing up, but some of them may not really work in this 21st century. 👍Go to school and study well so you will get good job when you are done. ✅My people, go to school and study well is good, but you see that getting job after that is becoming impossible by the day. So I feel when we gain the knowledge, we can apply it in anything that can fetch us money. 👍Be a man, you don't have to be weak. ✅Some persons have died why trying to be a man. Speak up if you need help whether you are a man or a woman.  Don't die in silence. 👍 Football is for unserious people go and read your book. ✅A lot those unserious people playing football are making a lot of money. I feel the advice should be 'don't only play football study too' 👍You have to be a doctor or lawyer to be rich. ✅Some carpenters are making more money than doctors and lawyers. You cañ be rich no matter your profession or business. 👍


CONNECT WITH LIKE MINDS🤝  The more you associate the more you connect, the more you connect the more you explore. Connecting with the right people can accelerate you to boundaries you cannot break on your own.  Be intentional in building your connection, you cannot connect with everyone and it's not everyone that can connect with you. Learn to build the right contact ! Learn to interact with like mind! And learn to advance along with them! Building an empire requires more than what just one person can do. Relate today  Connect tomorrow  Advance in future... No man is an island. ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


A lot have been said about tithe and tithing by different ministers, some which is true and some which may be false. Some Christians feel without tithing one will not make heaven, but that's a lie. When l listen to some men from the pulpit preaching about tithe like it's is the only requirement needed to make heaven l begin to wonder where they got those knowledge from. BASIC THINGS ABOUT TITHING ✍️ Tithing will not automatically take you to heaven if don't live a righteous life. ✍️ Tithing will not completely erase all the troubles of your life. ✍️You can still make heaven even if you don't pay tithe but obey the commandments of God. ✍️ There are blessing for everyone and there are blessings attached to tithing. ✍️If you are in a church that preach only tithe and offering better look well, you might have been in a business centre not a church. Don't let anyone mislead you, tithing is good, paying your tithe comes with a lot of blessings and open doors, but if that&


FOR SMALL PEOPLE 👯‍♀️ Some persons who cannot walk in your shoes, or dare to climb the ladder, the hills the valley you pass through to be successful will wake up one day to start castigating you. My dear, leave small fight for small people  And leave petty talks for petty people. As long as your dreams, your vision, your goals are your driving force,  Keep moving! Keep pushing! Keep advancing! Until you get to your destination. Just allow them to watch in awe how far you have gone. And for those who wish to advance like you, show them the basic steps to follow. In all you do, do your best to achieve the best✅ 'The sky is just my starting point'🌊🌫️ Happy Weekend my people  ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


AS YOU GROW UP.... ✍️Everybody cannot like you, some persons may just hate you for no reason. ✍️You cannot know everything, learn from others too. ✍️You cannot win every fight or argument. ✍️ People may disappoint you as some point in your life. ✍️No matter how handsome or beautiful you feel you are, there are still more handsome and beautiful people out there. ✍️You cannot have it all. ✍️No matter how private you want to be, people are still sniffing to know what you are up to. ✍️ There's time for everything, don't run faster than your shadow. ✍️That latest gadgets you want to kill yourself for will be an outdated model in few years. ✍️You only live once, enjoy the best of the opportunity you have to live now! ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood