

LET'S CELEBRATE USπŸ’ƒπŸ‘―‍♀️ 'Accelerate Action' For all women and Girls; Right, Equity and Empowerment We know our Right We want Equity  we need Empowerment  That's the way we wish to operate,   The world which is fair to all,  Opportunities Free for all,  Resources available to all. We have discovered who we are,  we can identify ourselves, We know what image we view in the mirror. We are relentless ! We a formidable force ! We are a people to reckon with ! We are Great women! πŸ’ͺ We are what this generation needs, Women who know their Rights,  work in Equity, And Empower their world. You're that womanπŸ‘‰ And the World is waiting for you to move.... Accelerate Action! Happy International Women's Day! ✍️By Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


I CALL IT SELF DEVELOPMENT πŸ€” In recent times, we have seen things happen among couples and I feel it's about time we begin to develop ourselves as individual. Some may think l am advising couples to be selfish No, although you can decide to call it whatever you want, but this is my opinion and l am entitled to it. As a married woman try to develop yourself either academically or  through skill or do both if possible. Do not use children as an excuse, if anything happens in that marriage and you end up with nothing, those children will blame you too. You can put them in creche while you purse your dreams. For the MEN especially those abroad, LISTEN to me,🧏 there's no rule that states a man cannot study nursing or any other medical related courses or be a caregiver. Even if you can't do any of the above, look for something you can do and learn the necessary skills required, don't just sit and be training your wife with the hope, she will make money for the family when s...


No matter how big or how wealthy you are, you came with nothing and will definitely go with nothing. Let go of the pride Don't be Arrogant  Live a simple life  No matter what you feel you have acquired, DEATH will humble you. We are nothing  We dust and unto dust we shall return. It's Ash Wednesday  Remember to pray, fast and give alms. ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  # sweetmotherhood


BUT WE NEED TO STOP IT.☹️ This practice is totally wrong, l don't know who started it, but we need to stop it. This idea of giving a newborn some medications like multivitamins, antibiotics and some medications to make them sleep well at night on discharge is very WRONG. "Let this children Breath' There are situations and conditions where the children may need some medications after birth like in cases of; Jaundice  Fetal distress  Respiratory problems  Fever Babies delivered by infected mothers  And any other medical conditions at birth. Outside this, breastfeed the baby and leave all those supplement. Stop stressing this children with unnecessary medications, they don't need them. I hope the volume is loud enough.  Or should I increase it🎀 ✍️ By Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


NO MATTER WHAT  While some families live in peace and harmony some other families don't. Some are separated by marriage and distance, others separated because of family feud. We don't have to abandon our family members either parents or siblings because we are married or living far from them. Someone l know was complaining that she needed money for something and told her to ask her brother for assistance but she said he won't help her. According to her, the brother told them that once they are married they shouldn't ask him for help again. I felt this was too extreme, what if it was a matter of life and death you wouldn't help your siblings because they are married. I am not trying to imply that one should be disturbing their siblings anytime they have a need, but when it's necessary they should do so. We are family for a reason and l feel we should help each other when in need. ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood


MARCHING FORWARD... 🚢 Marching unto victoryπŸ†  Marching into your blessings πŸ™ Marching to regain your freedom πŸ™Œ Marching to receive your miracles πŸ‘ Marching out of your problems πŸ˜₯ As we step into a new  Month, may God help us to march into a month of numerous blessings and opportunities. Happy New Month!πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ From Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood


IT WILL GUIDE YOU This one is another update for my people ask this question oo to avoid stories that touch.πŸ™† Before you begin to befriend or date, ask ooπŸ™„ A friend was describing her encounter with her roommate, according to her the lady was feeling dizzy or having fainting spells, the first time it happened she was so scared that she had to call her roommate's brother. The brother was like it's a normal thing,she should just give her food and she will be fine, the lady did just that and her roommate was fine. She started narrating how the roommate will finish a pack of spaghetti In one sitting, even this small basin of garri she can finish it alone, with other similar experience. My people it's better to ask about your partner's eating habit  you then prepare your mind to accept what awaits you. Make person no finish one bag of rice in two weeksπŸ™„ on top your head.πŸ™† ✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu  #sweetmotherhood