DO NOT ADD THIS TO YOUR CV/RΓSUMΓ I know you want to Impress your employer, I know you need but do add put things that will affect in future if you eventually get the job AVOID THESE 3 STATEMENT 1) I can work under pressure 2) I can multitask 3) l can work anywhere For No 1; working under pressure is not an ideal work atmosphere, there maybe pressure from work though, but l feel the best way to rephrase that statement should be " l can be calm under pressure" For No 2, it good to know how to do different things, but you don't have to be everywhere at every time. To rephrase that l think you can write " l will complete all my task in due time" Then for 3 ; When you have the statement i can work anywhere" in your CV and your company is opening a branch in a remote area, you will be the first employee to be sent there because they don't need to beg you to go, you have already stated you can work in any location. It's one thing to have a good and co...