
Showing posts from December, 2023


 WHAT CAN YOU REMEMBER ABOUT 2023 A lot happened in 2023 that we cannot forget in a hurry. I have been searching for adjective to qualify the year but couldn't find one. Please any English scholar around should help us with the best word to describe the year. There were lots of in events that played out this year. Tell us one or two that you can remember. And how it affected you. It's reminiscing time.... Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


YOU'RE DOING WELL 🥰 As the the year is gradually coming to an end, we need to do some checks and balances. If you achieved all you wanted to achieve this year, well Is very good and commendable. But if you were not able to achieve any of goals, dreams and aspirations, don't worry, as long as you're alive there's hope. All you need is to restrategize and find a better way of pursuing your dreams, one day you will surely succeed ' all things being equal' Don't be intimidated by what you see or hear on social media. Everyone there has made it including you👉 So we are all making 6 figures monthly 🥰🙄 Don't feel bad when you hear their blabbing. We are all doing well. So just believe in yourself and work towards becoming a better you in all ramification. We are all winning come 2024. Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


WHAT COLOUR WOULD YOU CHOSE We are gradually coming to the end of this year. A lot has happened, the good, the bad and the ugly. Some has been through hell and back while some experience some kind of breakthrough this year. Based on your own experience, if you were asked to describe 2023 with a colour what colour Will it be. Am still thinking, what colour can l give this year 🤔 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


WHICH WILL YOU GO FOR🤷‍♀️ We have had enough of the rice and chicken this Christmas season, let digress a bit to something different. We know there are some persons that must swallow on daily basis, well am not in that category but l still like the swallow. So for you, if you were asked to chose from the  soup presented here, which would you chose. For me just give me afang soup any day, any time but twice on Sunday 🤩 Which will you go for🤔 Efo riro Native soup Egusi soup  Afang soup Okra soup Oha soup Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 TRUE OR FALSE Welcome to Nigeria Nigeria our country A Country known as giant of Africa but cannot take any 'giant stride' Welcome to a great nation Where greatness is ascribed to the unqualified and those qualified are not recognized. The things we see, will just make you speechless.🤬 Where do l start🤔 The bank which is supposed to be the financial institution do not have money to give it's customers, while Pos operators who are supposed to be sublets to the bank have enough money for withdrawal. E shock you 😲 Nothing shocks me again. We just have few filling station selling the premium motor spirit (pms) also known as fuel or petrol while those who operate the "black market business" as we call it have enough to sell to travellers. Please I want to ask, who did we offended??🤷‍♀️  if you know, you can and tell us, we really need to appease them. Because nothing is normal in this country again. Nobody normal. The environment no normal. Anyways, as we always s...


WHAT DID YOU UNBOX🤷‍♀️ Christmas is a season to show love to one another, even when you feel you don't have enough, just show little kindness, you don't know how far that your little show of love can ignite someone's life. For me Christmas came earlier because l received  lots of gifts even before Christmas. So for you what did you unbox today? are you still expecting or expecting more?? Please for those that are yet to send their own gift am still receiving Christmas gift till 31st January.🤦🏻‍♀️😂 Am waiting for all of you 🙇‍♀️ Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


MERRY CHRISTMAS The birth of a king  The glorious chant of the angels on high Joy to the world  Joy unspeakable Joy to the weary heart Joy like a river  Joy undenied His birth brings good tidings  The world can feel it The earth can hear it And we all can see it The Messiah is here! The deliverer has come! The saviour is with us! The counselor is amongst us! Open your heart and let  Him in Spread out your hands to receive His gifts His gifts are unlimited His love unquestionable Let's all rise With a shout of acclamation And welcome Him For He is here THE KING IS HERE! MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ME TO YOU. Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 GOD IS LISTENING 🧏 We have various needs and aspirations that we are still hoping to materialize. God works in mysterious ways... His ways are not our ways and His thoughts for us are of good to lead to us to an expected end. What do you want? What do you need? What are you your dreams and aspirations? We have less than 24hours to Christmas MAKE A WISH 🙏   Who knows, you may be the next in line for God's divine blessing. Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


WE NEED YOUR HELP Good evening lovelies. Hope we are good QUESTION OF THE DAY 🤔 What is the english name for okpa  Am don't know how to explain to someone that is not Nigerian that okpa is a very delicious food. All our food scholars over to you. Waiting patiently for the answer.🙇 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


PARTICIPATE AND WIN🏆 Readers are leaders as we all know, even if you do not lead your country or your state, you can always lead from the small space where you are. From childhood up until now we have read so many books and we are still reading.... For the literature CHALLENGE;  If you know any famous quote or line from the books you have read, you will post it and anyone who knows the book will mention the name under your post. Winners will be announced later. Let the challenge begin....✍️ Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


CAN YOU RELATE 😅 There are many misconceptions about hospital. There are still some stereotype that can be linked to the hospital. So let's begin You can add yours later. For most people they feel that every male that work in a hospital is a doctor and every female a nurse.🧑‍⚕️🧑‍🔬 When you are admitted in a hospital you must be on infusion/drip.🥰 Vitamin Bco injection must be added to the drip if you have malaria.😄 Whenever you go for test you must do Malaria and typhoid test.🌡️🧪 When there's an emergency the Doctors and Nurses must be running up and down.🏃🏃 Children cannot have high blood pressure.🙎 You can add yours Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER🤔 Good evening lovelies Hope we are all good. We have very important pressing issue at hand and we need your opinion. We just have few days to Christmas and many people are preparing for the season. But with the rate of inflation, some people are  finding it difficult to buy the basic food item for cooking. We cannot come and go and kill ourselves all in the name of Christmas.🥰 We can find alternative ways of enjoying the Christmas. My question is, apart from rice and chicken, what else can we cook on Christmas days that our children will not crucify us😡 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 WE NEED YOUR CONTRIBUTION✍️ This is going to be a dicey discussion, but l still feel it's necessary. I was just thinking 🤔 and was like, why is the bride price and other traditional requirements for marriage same for everybody in a community or village. I feel we should just changed the way it's done. it should be based on who is getting married. We can use like BODY MASS for people with plentiful body mass, their own, bride price should also be plenty 😉😟 SLIM PEOPLE  This group of persons their own should be like the size of their body.😃 Like small tubers of yam, small size kolanut, small bottle of palm wine. BAD CHARACTER Please for this persons, they should pay the suitors for coming to rescue them.😟They can also pluck some fruits for them as a parting gift. SPIRITUAL PEOPLE 🙏 This persons should be married with bible, anointing oil, our daily manner, open heaven and holy water.🙌 EDUCATED PEOPLE This group can further be divided into other subgroup like; private or ...


WHAT IS IT 🤷 In life we are sometimes faced with challenges that makes us take some decisions My question is, What is that tough decision you have taken in your life so far?? Are you regretting any of it presently?? Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 BEFORE OR AFTER 🤷 Growing up l usually think that the reason to why we pray before eating was; To make the food cold if it was too hot. To sweeten the food Or to remove excess pepper or salt🥰 Nobody should come for me OO at least there's freedom of thinking 🙄 Most times l don't usually remember to pray after meal unless the meal was overly sumptuous 😛 What about you. Do do you pray before or after meal?? Prisca Ojiobianu #sweet motherhood#


 WHICH PART OF A  WEDDING DO YOU LIKE?? We attend wedding for different reasons, everybody know their own reason.🙄 So why do you attend weddings?? Which part of the wedding is your favorite?? Answer for yourself 🥰 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


It's no longer news that men die earlier than women, that is why we have more widows than widowers. There are many factors that we can contribute to it. I will be listing some of them; 1) Men take more of the dangerous jobs than women ( fire fighters, soldiers, construction workers, etc) 2)Men most often do not go for check ups from year to year, they may be seen in hospital only when they have suffered a heart attack or stroke. 3)Men are twice at risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol level than women. These conditions can lead to death. 4) Bad life styles; Men indulge in drinking and smoking than women, and this habit affect major organs in the body and subsequently leads to death. 5)BAD OR NAGGING WIFE; Even the bible stated that it is better to sleep in the roof than to share a room with a quarrelsome wife (prov 21:9) When there's no peace in the home, when the woman does not respect the man, all this have a way of impacting negatively on the men and in a ...


JUST KEEP AT IT🤗 Whatever you are doing just keep at it, it may seem foolish, inconsequential, worthless, as long as you are doing the right thing keep it up. The boy was just walking down the runway, some persons may have discouraged him or even ask him not to disturb the  activities of the day. He was later invited by adidas company. But one thing about grace is that when it your turn ' whether you tie wrapper or you wear jersey will surely play' Before and after pictures of the boy who went viral due to his catwalk during a fashion show in ABA. Grace can locate just anybody. Don't give up! Prisca Ojiobianu


WHO IS THE ACTOR AND WHO IS THE BOSS🤷 We have decided to let the council of elders in the Chicken Republic to handle this matter, since they have decided to disturb our Christmas preparation with their matter. At this juncture let the elders in council take over, we are tired already.☺️ Just waiting for their decision 🙇 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


THE MOTHER'S LOVE💞 The mother's love cannot be compared with any other kind of love, it's unique, selfless, genuine and unending. In life we meet people who loves us as friends, spouses, colleagues, acquaintances but still cannot be compared to the love we share with our mothers. What can you say about your mother today?? What is that unique quality your admire in your mother?? Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


CELEBRATE THEM NOW! Burials do not befit the dead. They're dead and unaware what befits them or not. "Befitting burials" are bragging points for the living. The dead do not care. Love your loved ones while they're here, make sacrifices for them. Give them gifts. Speak words of affirmation to them. Do acts of service for them. Touch them, hug them, kiss them, and spend time with them. Laugh and smile with them, enjoy them. Don't save your accolades for the pages of their burial programs. The dead won't read it. Say what you need to say now, to the ones you love who are alive. Befitting burials are for the living, not the dead. The dead do not know, the dead do not care.  Go home and help the living live better! Copied*


WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT?? The importance of fruits cannot be overemphasized, because they provide basic nutrients that we need to function. Whether they taken as a meal or as desert or appetizers, they form basic part of our meal. So which is your favorite your fruit. Let me guess🤔 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 WHICH WAY NIGERIA 🤷 No matter how we wish not to be Nigerians, the fact is, we are already Nigerians, the least you can do is to get dual citizenship to help yourself. Despite all that we have seen or heard about in Nigeria l still believe there are some places in Nigeria that are still beautiful. So for you Which state or city in Nigeria do you think is the best for based on your judgement. Also tell is why you feel the place is the best. Am still thinking 🤔 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 FOR ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY Good Day lovelies. Hope we are all good.  Am just checking to know the active members on this platform. Christmas is coming let me know how to share the Christmas goodies.🥰 If you are an active member reply with an emoji.🤩 Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


SEVEN COMPANIES ALREADY 😮 INNOSON vehicle manufacturing company have been making waves in terms of manufacturing cars and other products. Presently they have seven companies in different states and outside the country. They include; 1) Innoson vehicle manufacturing Nnewi. 2)lnnoson plastic located in Enugu. 3) lnnoson vehicle manufacturing ongoing in imo state. 4) Innoson vehicle manufacturing in partnership with UNN for producing tractor for agriculture in Enugu.  5)New Innoson vehicle manufacturing CNG plant located in Anambra. 6) lnnoson assembly plant in Sierra Leone. 7) Innoson oil and gas Sierra loan. The government need to promote and support our local companies by patronizing them. When we buy Nigeria made products we   grow Nigeria economy. Prisca Ojiobianu  # sweetmotherhood#


MOVE FORWARD 🚶 Fear has double meaning it either means; FEAR: forget everything and run OR FEAR: Face every and rise  So you have to chose either of the option. Do not be afraid of failure, failure does not mean you have failed in life, rather it means you have not succeeded yet. Dont be afraid to move Don't be afraid to take that bold step Don't give up due to fear of the unknown. You will have people that will want to bring you down or discourage you. Never mind! Stay focused! FEAR NOT ! Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


JUST DO YOUR BEST As we are preparing for the Christmas celebration,  don't allow anyone subject you to undue pressure. Try your best! Do your best! Avoid crime! Hustle well! 'The Christmas will come and go and las las all of us go dey okay' A lot of persons may call to demand something for Christmas, you have your other responsibilities to take care of, so 'use your head' Times are hard, we should do our best and leave the rest for God. Don't kill yourself to impress anybody, most people don't really care. January usually come with its own responsibilities, 'eat and remain for January ' Above all enjoy yourself, be happy, do your bit and leave the rest for God. Prisca Ojiobianu #sweetmotherhood#


 Welcome to our month of ENJOYMENT.🕺💃 We will enjoy good health, favour, blessings, provision, advancement, breakthrough, amazing grace. We shall be fruitful! We will be uplifted! We will shine! And we will dominate! In Jesus name 🙏 'Oluwa' is involved in our case🙌 Prisca Ojiobianu #Sweetmotherhood#