
Showing posts from June, 2023


NOT EVEN OIL  If you have been a victim of oil splash then you can understand.  It's the last day of the month. And by His grace we are stepping forward to a new month. If you don't protect yourself, Who will do that for you. 🤷 Do not allow any oil to stop you from enjoying your fries🍟 Stop them, before they stop you.😆 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


CAN YOU RELATE🤷 Well as the name goes, small business; it definitely means the business is small or maybe at it starting point. I feel before anyone starts any business, you should carry out what is called "feasibility study" which is trying to understudy the business to how it works, when you are convinced, then you can  start. WHY DO SMALL BUSINESSES FAIL🤔 - Lack of planning - Not committed to the business. - siting a business where majority of the people don't need the product. - Using one business to solve five family problems. - Economic situation of the country. - Government policies. - Poor customer service. - poor start up capital. - Environmental factors like; bad road, flood etc. - selling Seasonal products. - Bad debt. - poor power supply. - inexperience When we know and understand what can make a business fail, we will then know how to avoid them for our business to be successful. Some of the listed point cannot be controlled, but we can still control the on


EID MUBARAK This is from me to all the Muslim faithful as they celebrate today. Let's embrace peace and unity and the world will be a better place. It's just reminding of a chapter from our macmillan those days in primary school. " They are happy they like sallah day.😃 Please if there's any place that they are sharing Ram or cow please I am interested. Holla at your girl 🥰 Barka da sallah #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


IT IS NOT BY FORCE😊 Most times when I enter a restaurant or an eatery and see people forcing themselves to use the cutlery that they can't eat with, I begin to wonder.🤔 The last time l checked there's no rules that one must use a set of cutlery to eat. You will see people struggling with fork and knife when they can comfortably eat with a spoon or fork. "Don't get it twisted" Am not saying one should not learn how to use the cutlery, No! What am saying is; you should practice maybe at home or ask someone to teach you or learn it on YouTube before coming to punish our dear cutlery.🥰 Going to a restaurant and  clashing innocent fork and knife😢 all in the name of eating is absurd. I also know some persons wants to apply the popular saying, " fake it until you make it" Well l think in life you don't need to fake anything to please anyone, be yourself and people will appreciate you for who you really are.  l come in peace🙋 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 CAN YOU GUESS🤔 We have seen them perform both in and out of the Church.  In one way or the other their songs have touched our lives. STARTING FROM THE LOWEST TO THE HIGHEST 10 NIGERIA GOSPEL ARTISTE WITH HIGHEST SUBSCRIBERS  ON YOUTUBE;.. The list may SHOCK YOU😲 This list does not in any way represent how great they are or how big their account balance is, it  only shows the number of subscribers they have on YouTube only!🥰 10) At No 10 we have JOE PRAISE with 472k subscribers. 9) The next on the list is Dunsin oyeka with 498k subscribers. 8)At number 8  we have MERCY CHINWO with 503k subscribers 7) The 7th person on the list is Victoria orenze with 514k subscribers. 6) We also have TIM GEOFREY at the 6th position with 619k subscribers. 5) The 5th position goes to MOSES BLISS with 650k subscribers. 4) The No 4th person is our STEVE CROWN with 706k subscribers. 3) NATHANIEL BASSEY is at no 3 with 1.1million subscribers. 2) The first runner up is ADA EHI with 1.61 million subscribers


I NO FIT CARRY LAST😉 Shey we are in the season of Guinness World Record. My name must enter there, and l must collect my own certificate and plaque. For now am searching for sponsors that will donate the injections, tablets and other hospital consumables for my conquest. Am so ready to break the record, let all the motivational speakers begin their motivational speeches.... Am listening 🎧🥰 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


HUSBAND'S PHONE PASSWORD, UNKNOWN  If not for infidelity why will a husband be hiding his phone password from the wife, are they not supposed to be one?? Unless the woman is always requesting to see what is in the man's phone, which is considered as invasion of privacy, otherwise there's no big deal. 'A patient with heart condition, slumped at home, at night, the wife tried to call his husband's relatives but could not reach them, she then decided to use the husband's phone to call the hospital he was using so they can use their ambulance to take him to the hospital, his phone was LOCKED, the wife does not know the password. After some hours, The man DIED IN THE HOUSE.' Based on the above story is it right or ideal for the wives to know their husband's phone password.🤷 Your contributions will be highly appreciated. #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 HELP OUR COUNTRY😏 I know his not the people's choice, but for now he is the president. If you were ask to advice Tinubu on one thing concerning Nigeria.. what will it be? Just one not more than one. #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


WHAT IS YOUR STORY🥵 No matter how good the relationship is, No matter how deep or far you have gone,  Retrace your steps and Disengage! When the hospital becomes your second home, and sleepless nights a routine then you will understand that when your Genotype is not compatible with your partner's there should be no compromise! I also feel young people who are in a sexual relationship even if they are not married should also know their genotype, mistakes can occur! And oops! she is pregnant 😰 Today is world sickle cell Day. Sickle cell disease is a condition that occurs when a child is born with the SS genotype. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN🤔 If a father has the genotype As and the mother As there's a possibility that they can give birth to a child who is SS. The child with sickle cell disease suffers from pain, anaemia, weakness among others. Most times they are usually sick that they have to be in and out of the hospital. Let's not make the mistakes of our parents and grand pare


 *NEXT OF KIN IS USELESS IN THE BANK.*   IF YOU DIE TODAY, YOUR NEXT OF KIN WILL NOT HAVE ANY ACCESS TO THE MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT!!! *So many Nigerians think that their next of kin is the automatic heir to their account. But the truth is that if your next of kin is not a signatory to your account, and you don’t have a written will to determine that person’s legitimacy, the person will not have access to that money at all.* Your bank will have to go through a process called a *LEGAL PROBATE.* This probate period helps them determine who gets the money in your account. This is a very very lengthy and expensive process.  *Even after the whole process is done, your family will have to forfeit some very reasonable amount of the money for legal fees.* But if you want to avoid this, simply request for your bank to give you  something called a POD form. *POD stands for PAYABLE ON DEATH*. The name of the person you fill in that POD form will determine who will get your money. All the person nee


THE TALLEST MAN IN NIGERIA😲 Yes oo the tallest man in Nigeria Mr Afeez Agoro is dead. He died after he suffered complications from a hip surgery. Honestly l am speechless. Lord please have mercy on your children. Ozo Emena😱 May his soul rest in peace 🙏 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 ACTOR DON BRYMO IS DEAD According to the story he died in his sleep. This  is one among the many deaths we have witnessed this year in Nollywood. I don't know what to say, but l think maybe they need to appease the gods of the land. This is just too much! May his soul rest in peace 🙏  #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


EFCC CHAIRMAN SUSPENDED 🤨 The EFCC chairman Mr Abdulrasheed Bawa has been suspended by President Tinubu. This is coming after the suspension of the CBN Governor few days ago. It's like we are in the era of suspension 🤔 I don't know who's next on the list, lets keep our fingers crossed, and hope for the best. It's like some persons are going to be In severe pain, because the condition is getting worser and worser"😟 Until then.... We will continue to update you on the latest news! #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


IT'S OFFICIAL The Guinness world record has recognized Hilda Baci for her Cook-A- thon for (93hours 11mins) some hours were deducted because of some rest period she took. This is a great one from our dear country. It's takes courage, determination and focus to achieve this. Go girl the "sky is your starting point, more wins. And for those of them cooking and planning to cook for 120 and 140hours continue... We are watching from the other side 🙄 #prisca# #swewtmotherhood#


GODSWILL AKPABIO IS NOW THE SENATE PRESIDENT Sen Godswill Akpabio is now the 10th senate president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He emerged the winner after he defeated the likes of Sen Orji Uzoh Kalu and Sen yari. Judging from his achievement in Akwa ibom state, l trust him to do a good job in the Senate and to move Nigeria forward in that we can stand at same pedestal with other countries. Godswill have been done🤷 Congratulations 👏 to our latest senate president! #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


WHAT KIND OF DEMOCRACY IS THIS...🤷 Am not really in the mood to wish anyone happy democracy day, because deep down we know that Nigeria practically is not a democratic Nation. How do l even buttress this fact; "Democracy is government of the people by people and for the people" but in our dear country, ours means government by the politicians and for their selfish desires. I heard the president's speech and that of some governors today, it's not about the long speech because most of those speeches were not conceived by the leaders, someone wrote it for them, so l won't hold them by their words. Can we have a country where the old, the young and children can joyously celebrate democracy day because they have enjoyed the dividend of democracy. Our country is just "a far cry"from what a true democratic Nation represent. Injustice! Anarchy! Nepotism! Insecurity! Insurgency! Apostasy! Now the order of the day. While some politicians use others as their dumb


 GOSPEL ARTISTE ON FLEEK 🧝 We admire these our gospel artiste when they appear with their different headpiece. If you were ask to chose between mummy chioma Jesus headpiece, Mercy Chinwo's beret, yadah's fascinator and Ugee Royalty's cap which would you chose?? I don't mean their songs but their headpiece 😉 Chose wisely.🥰 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


FIND OUT WHY🤷👇 The CBN Governor Mr Godwin Emefiele has been suspended by President Tinubu. The suspension was due to the current reforms going on in his office and other financial reforms. For now we don't know if he has been arrested by the DSS or they are still planning to arrest him. Well l don't know what the outcome may be, but if for any reason they want to replace him, they should better bring in someone who is capable of bringing positive change in CBN. We don't want to move "from frying pan to fire"🔥 The story is still unfolding... We will still update you on the news. For now let's enjoy our weekend.💃🕺 #Prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 Yes ooo😂 Man must survive, if you don't have cloth peg you can improvise with this, what we need is something to hold the cloth abi? More of this is coming. As the saying goes " necessity is the mother of invention" We shall not die but live to declare the goodness of God in the land of the living.🙏 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 SUPPORTER'S LISTEN OO🧏 Please all those supporting this present government there's special information for you all. There this fillings station designated for them to buy fuel at a very low price. For more information and location of this filling station they should contact me for further details. This is just the beginning... We are still watching 🙄 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME  I may not be able to count my blessings but at least I can remember your goodness in my life. "This life for no really mak sense without you" It has been 365 days of God's goodness and mercy in my life. Happy birthday to me! The one and only God's first daughter 💃


THANKSGIVING🙏 God have been with us from the beginning of this year to the sixth month. His blessings in our lives is new every morning. What can we say to God for all his goodness in our life. #prisca# #sweetmotherhood


NLC TO COMMENCE STRIKE👨‍🏭️ The Nigeria labour congress are planning to embark on indefinite strike by Wednesday if federal government refuses to revert the price of fuel. Owning to the statement issued during the swearing in of Tinubu as president concerning removal of subsidy It was observed that the price of fuel jump to #511 as against  #254- #300 it was sold previously. It seems the NLC are not comfortable with the sudden increase and have vowed to embark on indefinite strike if the government refuses to do anything. Well we are watching from the other side.🙄 Let the battle begin. Federal government vs Nigeria Labour congress.🤼 #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#


 WELCOME TO NEW MONTH OF OPPORTUNITIES 💃🕺 Its a new month A new vision A new understanding A new dream A new breakthrough New opportunities And a new you. What more can l say. We are moving forward... Enjoy the rest of the month. It only gets better. God got you! #prisca# #sweetmotherhood#